Éditeur Penguin Books
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (13)

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Arthur Miller's extraordinary masterpiece, Death of a Salesman changed the course of modern theatre, and has lost none of its power as an examination of American life and consumerism, published in Penguin Modern Classics. 'A man is not an orange[...]![]()
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Histoire en V.O. Comment l'excellent Dr Jekyll a-t-il pu se lier avec un individu aussi douteux que Mr Hyde ?![]()
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A 18 ans , Philippa, la fille adoptive d'un universitaire bien connu réclame son certificat de naissance et fait ainsi une terrible découverte...![]()
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Dictionnaire anglais. Les synonymes et de notions connexes y sont organisés systématiquement.![]()
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The book is comprised of gem after gem. Two of Dahl's most famous stories are here. One is "Lamb to the Slaughter," about the wife of a police detective who kills her husband in a most unconventional way and then disposes of the murder weapon in[...]![]()
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A story of "spoils and stratagems".![]()
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Aux Etats-Unis, au sein d'une petite ville rurale coupée du monde. A la fois drôle et pessimiste, ce " petit roman " révèle un style éblouissant, riche en symboles, où la poésie se mêle au grotesque et où l'action n'est pas sans évoquer le rythm[...]![]()
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With their astonishing diversity of tone and subject-matter,This story have become one of the touchstones of medieval literature.![]()
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The Catcher in the Rye is the story of teenager Holden Caulfield's turbulent last few days before his Christmas vacation. During these days, Holden leaves Pencey Prep, a boys' school he's been kicked out of, and takes off for a few nights alone [...]![]()
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Quelques histoires stupéfiantes et drôles , en V.O., de l'écrivain américain E. Allan Poe.![]()
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This crime novel , originally serialised in the Strand Magazine in 1901 and 1902, which is set largely on Dartmoor 1889. At the time of researching the novel, Conan Doyle was a General Practitioner in Plymouth, and thus was able to explore the m[...]![]()
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In Earnest, Wilde uses a mixture of social drama; popular at the time and other popular but less politically engaged forms such as melodrama and farce.Within the drama Wilde manages to satirise the values that many still believed were the very r[...]![]()
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